Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Comments in BibTeX

Be warned: there is a @Comment directive in BibTeX, but it doesn't appear to do anything.

UPDATE: @Comment works as expected so long as you use it outside any other directive. E.g., the following will not work,

@InProceedings{ key,
title = {\BibTeX comments considered harmful},
author = {Christopher L. Conway},
booktitle = {Procrastiblog Symposium on \LaTeX Arcana},
year = 2007,
@Comment{ This never actually happened. }
whereas the following is fine,
@InProceedings{ key,
title = {\BibTeX comments considered harmful},
author = {Christopher L. Conway},
booktitle = {Procrastiblog Symposium on \LaTeX Arcana},
year = 2007,

@Comment{ The above never actually happened. }

1 comment:

Jim Van Zandt said...

The other odd thing about a bibtex comment is that it cannot contain an "@".